We thoroughly respect the life cycle of every product,
from the supply of raw materials and packaging
through to their distribution,
ensuring high quality.

This is the result of the perfect combination between the disposition to accuracy of our long-standing tradition and the continuous technological innovation.

We work according to SGS certification standards:
BRC (British Retail Consortium),
IFS (International Food Standard).

These certifications ensure to preserve a high level of responsibility towards the consumers, abiding by the existing legislation controlling foodstuffs, retaining the highest safety and hygiene standards. They also ensure the use of carefully selected raw materials, avoiding the use of genetically modified ingredients.

UNI EN ISO 14064

The UNIEN ISO 14064-1:2019 standard defines the rules and requirements for designing and reporting GHG (greenhouse gas) inventories as company organization level, to activate a correct carbon management policy aimed at reducing emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. This certification allows you to:
  • Have official, transparent emissions reporting;
  • Identify, monitor and manage the risks associated with GHG emissions and improve the environmental quality of business processes;
  • encourage the planning, development and application of initiatives and programs aimed at reducing polluting sources;

What is the carbon footprint?
The carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that quantifies the impact of an organization or a product in terms of greenhouse gases (GHG - GreenHouse Gases) emitted directly or indirectly.